1st UK Blog: The good, the bad, and the Ugly

Hahaha, like the picture I have placed for this blog? Malaysia has officially said ‘NO’ to yellow fever… I just hope all the other countries will follow in its footsteps.
Well, it’s done. I am finally in UK. I have left Australia, travelled to HK and Malaysia for 4 weeks, and am now officially in London. As the title suggested I am going to go through a few things in order of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The good is that my pre-UK Asia trip was fantastic! I met with a lot of my relos, had some fun with some old friends, and made some great new friends. Also, I proceed to enlarge my already obese frame by eating myself to the brink of death, including indulging on just about the highest-rated durian you can find (yes, that’s rite, I DO like durian, whatcha gonna do about it?).
The bad is that due to my extreme overeating, I have put on 2 kilograms in just 1 month. Hahaha, just kidding… I have put on 4 kilograms. And it doesn’t help that I am inevitably going to receive my fair share of ‘Heathrow injection’. Oh well, such is life.
Now the ugly. I went clubbing with some friends in Penang, and we came upon a club called the ‘Slippery Senoritas’ (yes, I know. The name already sounds pretty seedy). Upon entering the club, I immediately spotted several things that stuck me as wrong with the acceptable level of dress code. Shorts, sandals, sneakers, sunglasses, and even those silly croc-sandals that are now so popular in Australia. To top it off, they had a guest star live performer on stage, which turned out to be a chinese cross-dresser with a huge pink afro. He/she then proceed to sing all these female pop songs, completely in falsetto. Obvious to say, this was the ugliest part of my otherwise very pleasant Malaysia trip.
Anywayz, I am going to sign off now, but make sure to stay tune for more of my famous Europe adventures (I appear to already have a possible trip to Paris in April)!
Final Post before I fly off - Life Lag, the 10 second rule
"Live each season as it passes. Breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, but resign yourself to the influences of each." - Henry David ThoreauWell, it feels like I am really saying goodbye now. I won't yet reach London yet, but I am leaving Australia. Who knows when will be the next time I will be back?
Recently, it feels as if my life revolve around the '10 second' rule. Oh, never heard of the 10 second rule? It goes like this... my high school friends made up this rule based on how every so often, there is a conversation with me that would inevitably end up like this:
Friend A: Hey, did you guys watch cricket the other day?
Friend B: Yeah, I did Australia rules.
Friend C: Yeah, we are going to win the Tri-nations easily....
[ten seconds later]
Heng: Hey, did you guys watch cricket the other day?
Yes, that's my '10 second' rule, I do it all the time. But now I feel like my life revolves around it. I am watching tv shows that came out years ago (Prison Break, Lost), listening to music released about 3 years ago, and chances are that I will only reach London about 1 week after my intended arrival (according to JY.... but we will see who laughs last...... I hope it's me:P)
I am going to leave everyone with a joke my dad told me the other day, which I thought was hilarious, considering that it came from my dad (he is usually so predictable with his lame jokes):
A praying mantis and a mosquito flew by a river and happen to come a woman bathing in the nude. The mosquito turns to the praying mantis and said: "See how deadly I am, I stung the woman twice when she was young, and now she is still swollen." The praying mantis then turns to the mosquito and said: "That's nothing! I used my blade to cut the woman once when she was young, and now she still bleeds every month!"Well, that's it for me. Time to make sure that I have everything ready before I take off. So to all my friends and family... goodbye, au revoir, adios, auf wiedersehen, ciao ciao........ And do as the picture said!! Bui Lang, signing out!
Saying goodbye to my friends...
TV series I am watching: 'Heroes'Album I am listening to: 'Wincing the Night Away' by the ShinsI woke up this morning, and I am like: 'Hey! I don't have to go to work this morning! Woohoo!......oh, crap, I am now unemployed.....' :(
Boy, time sure does fly..... I will be leaving Australia in about 3 days (*sob*), and I have so many things I am going to miss after my take off. I am going to miss all my favourite friends who have always been there for me: like my old pal hurricane ribs, gimme some Harry's hotdog, hanging with Peking Duck at Einfeld, stuffed myself with a Vietnamese Chicken and Cheese Roll from Mascot, and demolish some of those ridiculously huge portions of sushi at Sushi Tengoku! God I am going to miss Australia.....
2nd Blog and the Shins
Quote of the Day : "The only difference between a black girl and a white girl is that when a black girl asks you if her ass looks big, You say, 'Hell yeah!'" - Turk from ScrubsOkay, yeah, it's been forever since my first blog. Like I mentioned! I am not much of a blogger! But since I am leaving in like 2 weeks, I am going to start getting more active. So here's a few bits of ranting..
I have the worst office space in my building (Westpac Place). I sit facing away from the window, and my seat is the direct path to the kitchen, elevator and numerous meeting rooms (including one with a glass wall 3 metres behind me, facing my computer screen). To add injury to insult, my manager, my manager's manager, and the BT CIO all have to walk pass my desk to get to theirs! Honestly, how is anyone suppose to read porn in peace at work?
For the past few days, I am finally getting a bit of jitters about going overseas. It has finally hit me, I am really going! I think it's all the passing 'So, goodbye and good luck' I am getting from everyone that's really doing it. I am really going to miss everyone..... (okay, soppy moment gone...)
Lastly, The Shins is finally getting some recognition in Australia! I was sitting on the bus today, and I was reading my copy of Mx and finally come across an article about The Shins (focusing of course on James Mercer), just as 'Caring Is Creepy' starts playing on my Ipod Shuffle. I am not one to cheer when an Indie band becomes even more commercialised, but at least this would mean 2 things:
1. We can be expecting more 'The Shins' albums in the future (Yay!)
2. The day that 'The Shins' songs can be found at Karaoke may not be that far away (Double Yay)!
Anywayz, if you have a chance, listen to them! Their new album 'Wincing The Night Away' just came out!
(oh, and added a couple of extra blog links. Need more. Please help.)
The Why of Blog
Quote of the day: Some people are good with words, other people are....err.....something.I am not a very social person (unless drunk), which is why it is completely out of character for me to start a blog. Upon quick examination, you will notice that I barely have links to other blogs. This is because I don't really have any blog friends, and I had to steal some random links to make it look like I am not a complete social reject.... Okay, not entirely true, but close enough.
Back to the main point, I am starting this blog because I intend to travel overseas in the near future (cross my fingers that I don't chicken out, make up some lame excuse, and derail my plan. Again.). Figured that this would be the best way to keep my friends and family up to date about what I am up to. I also plan to start an imagestation (or something to that effect) account soon, so watch for that space (or not).
Btw, coming up with a title for the blog was h-h-hard!!! Everyone wants to make sure that they don't come off sounding stupid, so they need to come up with a clever title. And after they spend countless hours thinking about the blog title that they are going to scar themselves with for life, they then have to come up with blog entries that is not completely devoid of thought.
I went the opposite direction. I decided that if I came up with dumbest, most stupid blog title possible, then everything else that I post can only go uphill from this point forth, right?! Hahaha, yeah rite, if only...If you really think that, then you haven't met me in person. Let me guide you through the thought process I went through to come up with my title, then maybe you will have a better understanding of the insanity you are dealing with.
First, I thought of something as simple as 'heng in the uk'. But then I would have people coming up to me saying: "why are you here? I thought you were in the uk?! Just kidding!" and I would have to proceed to kick their arse. And since I hate human contact, I decided against it until I am actually there.
I then decided to come up with a title that contains my personal credo - "do unto others as you want others to do unto you". Being agnostic, I was surprised to discover recently that 9 major religions in the world endorses this idea. so I decide to call my blog "where all religions meet". Quick google search revealed that my original thought is not so original after all:
cyrano.blog.lemonde.fr/cyrano/2005/12/where_all_relig.htmlword for word too. hahaha (bastard!). Next, I take 1 half of my lethologica-CRAFT disease that I suffer from (they tend to go hand in hand) and perform another google search, resulting in the following website:
http://phrontistery.info/l.htmlTaking the 2 entries that lies side by side in chronological order (and for some odd reason, that's how I've always imagined I would go) and voila! My blog name was born!
Stupid, right? I am easing you in......