Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Why of Blog

Quote of the day: Some people are good with words, other people are....err.....something.

I am not a very social person (unless drunk), which is why it is completely out of character for me to start a blog. Upon quick examination, you will notice that I barely have links to other blogs. This is because I don't really have any blog friends, and I had to steal some random links to make it look like I am not a complete social reject.... Okay, not entirely true, but close enough.

Back to the main point, I am starting this blog because I intend to travel overseas in the near future (cross my fingers that I don't chicken out, make up some lame excuse, and derail my plan. Again.). Figured that this would be the best way to keep my friends and family up to date about what I am up to. I also plan to start an imagestation (or something to that effect) account soon, so watch for that space (or not).

Btw, coming up with a title for the blog was h-h-hard!!! Everyone wants to make sure that they don't come off sounding stupid, so they need to come up with a clever title. And after they spend countless hours thinking about the blog title that they are going to scar themselves with for life, they then have to come up with blog entries that is not completely devoid of thought.
I went the opposite direction. I decided that if I came up with dumbest, most stupid blog title possible, then everything else that I post can only go uphill from this point forth, right?! Hahaha, yeah rite, if only...If you really think that, then you haven't met me in person. Let me guide you through the thought process I went through to come up with my title, then maybe you will have a better understanding of the insanity you are dealing with.

First, I thought of something as simple as 'heng in the uk'. But then I would have people coming up to me saying: "why are you here? I thought you were in the uk?! Just kidding!" and I would have to proceed to kick their arse. And since I hate human contact, I decided against it until I am actually there.

I then decided to come up with a title that contains my personal credo - "do unto others as you want others to do unto you". Being agnostic, I was surprised to discover recently that 9 major religions in the world endorses this idea. so I decide to call my blog "where all religions meet". Quick google search revealed that my original thought is not so original after all:

word for word too. hahaha (bastard!). Next, I take 1 half of my lethologica-CRAFT disease that I suffer from (they tend to go hand in hand) and perform another google search, resulting in the following website:

Taking the 2 entries that lies side by side in chronological order (and for some odd reason, that's how I've always imagined I would go) and voila! My blog name was born!
Stupid, right? I am easing you in......