Thursday, January 25, 2007

2nd Blog and the Shins

Quote of the Day : "The only difference between a black girl and a white girl is that when a black girl asks you if her ass looks big, You say, 'Hell yeah!'" - Turk from Scrubs

Okay, yeah, it's been forever since my first blog. Like I mentioned! I am not much of a blogger! But since I am leaving in like 2 weeks, I am going to start getting more active. So here's a few bits of ranting..

I have the worst office space in my building (Westpac Place). I sit facing away from the window, and my seat is the direct path to the kitchen, elevator and numerous meeting rooms (including one with a glass wall 3 metres behind me, facing my computer screen). To add injury to insult, my manager, my manager's manager, and the BT CIO all have to walk pass my desk to get to theirs! Honestly, how is anyone suppose to read porn in peace at work?

For the past few days, I am finally getting a bit of jitters about going overseas. It has finally hit me, I am really going! I think it's all the passing 'So, goodbye and good luck' I am getting from everyone that's really doing it. I am really going to miss everyone..... (okay, soppy moment gone...)

Lastly, The Shins is finally getting some recognition in Australia! I was sitting on the bus today, and I was reading my copy of Mx and finally come across an article about The Shins (focusing of course on James Mercer), just as 'Caring Is Creepy' starts playing on my Ipod Shuffle. I am not one to cheer when an Indie band becomes even more commercialised, but at least this would mean 2 things:

1. We can be expecting more 'The Shins' albums in the future (Yay!)
2. The day that 'The Shins' songs can be found at Karaoke may not be that far away (Double Yay)!

Anywayz, if you have a chance, listen to them! Their new album 'Wincing The Night Away' just came out!

(oh, and added a couple of extra blog links. Need more. Please help.)